

Parenting - It is no secret that parenting is one of the most difficult, challenging, frustrating, and of course, rewarding jobs in the world.

As if being a parent isn’t overwhelming enough, information overload abounds... From the parenting books your mother-in-law swears by and forced you to read, to the opinions of friends and fellow parents and the vast array of articles online – often all with conflicting information. It would take an army to sift through all of the so-called ‘facts’ in order to find one good answer, one solid solution and one clear idea of what to do when you just don’t know or to simply learn a little more about something in particular.

As a new parent, you may find that you just don’t have the time to find all of the right answers to your questions.

At My Med, we understand that there are a variety of aspects that encompass being a mother, father or parent figure. In doing so, we are focussed on providing information that is medically factual, straight to the point, relevant and best of all, easy to understand.

We get that you don’t have time for the wishy-washy nonsense because you’re probably sleep deprived, have a niggly newborn, teething toddler screaming in your arms, a cheeky child or a hormonal adolescent to deal with. That’s why we cover it all in the sections that follow. Taking you from newborns, infants and toddlers, into childhood and of course, adolescence.

The idea is this, you, as a parent, are not alone in this great big world of information and parenting techniques and the ‘cries and whys’ of bringing up a child. So, let us help you in this exciting, challenging and rewarding journey that is parenthood.