Written by: Penny Theodoulou
Who is not a candidate for a chemical peel?

Contradictions (i.e. chemical peels are not recommended for those who have the following conditions)
- Those who are currently nursing or pregnant
- Those with pre-existing inflammatory dermatoses for example psoriasis (a skin condition marked by red, itchy, scaly patches), atopic dermatitis (a type of eczema), pemphigus (a skin condition wherein watery blisters form on the skin.)
- Rosacea (a skin condition wherein the blood vessels of the face become enlarged, giving the nose and cheeks a flushed and rosy red appearance).
- Active bacterial, viral, fungal, orherpetic infection/s
- Facial cancers, especially facial melanoma (a type of cancer that begins in melanocytes - cells that make the pigment melanin).
- Open wounds
- For medium-depth and deep peels, a history of abnormal scarring, keloids (type of raised scar), atrophic skin (skin that is weak and thin due to a reduction in local or systemic blood supply)
- Isotretinoin (a medication used to treat severe cystic acne) use in the last 12 months
- Accutane (medication used to treat severe cystic acne) use in the last 6 months
- Those who have used skin care products containing bleach or skin lightening agents in the last 48 hours.
- A history of using medications with photosensitizing potential (eg. doxycycline which is used to treat many different bacterial infections, such as UTI’s, more commonly known as Urinary Tract Infections, acne, venereal diseases such as gonorrhoea, and chlamydia, periodontitis (gum disease), and others), exogenous oestrogens - used to treat menopausal symptoms and prevent osteoporosis)
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