Addiction is defined as a chronic dysfunction in the brain that typically involves motivation, memory and reward. What are the most common types of addiction and how do you recognise the signs?
Addiction is defined as a chronic dysfunction in the brain that typically involves motivation, memory and reward. What are the most common types of addiction and how do you recognise the signs?
Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes inflammation throughout the body. Here's how to recognise the signs, treat, and better cope with the condition ...
Post-traumatic stress disorder is often most associated with war veterans, but anyone who is exposed to a traumatic event in their lives can develop this condition. Learn more about PTSD and how to go about making a full recovery here ...
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy, better known as CTE, has cropped up many a time in mainstream media linking the disease to professional boxers and American football players, but what is it exactly? Is it really a health condition that’s only high risk for professional athletes involved in contact sports? It turns out, CTE is not a diagnosable condition for potential sufferers during their lifetime, so how much do we really know about the disease at this point in time?
A healthy level of self-control is at the core of any addictive behaviour. Here's how to recognise the signs of addiction ...
Alzheimer's is a condition that appears in stages as the disease progresses. In order to understand the disease and its symptoms, it helps to understand these stages...
The signs and symptoms of lupus vary. In some they are mild and in others, severe. These are some of the common (and less common) symptoms to look out for ...
Lupus, as a condition, can affect multiple areas of the body. We break down some of the more common portions that the condition typically affects.
Lyme disease is referred to as an imitation disease as the condition itself mimics a number of similar symptoms with other conditions, some of these include headaches, fever and body aches...
Signs and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be intense for a person experiencing them. Here's how to recognise the signs and seek appropriate treatment.
An excess of cortisol circulating the body can lead to numerous problems in the body. Here are some of the characteristic signs and symptoms of Cushing's syndrome ...
There are some vital signs of dementia that can be detected during the initial stages of the condition that will allow for early diagnosis and treatment...
Dysfunction of the thyroid can result in numerous signs and symptoms. Here's what happens to the body based on the most common underlying causes of the condition ...
Dissociative identity disorder has several symptoms that can be rather prominent, the section that follows explains these...
When damage occurs in the brain, various indications of impairment begin to develop, and progressively worsen. We break down what signs and symptoms have been determined so far for Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)...